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I address myself to society in general and professionals in particular to express my
seem after studying with other colleagues, the health problem and the policies
implemented to overcome it, since the beginning of the declaration of this "COVID pandemic
19 ".
You don't have to be an expert to recognize that those policies had deplorable
results, and that no other scientists were ever questioned or called upon to improve them.
The questions posed by numerous professionals, both in
the country and abroad, who analyze this health problem with different criteria.
They have even censored, persecuted and threatened from various media, including the Council
Federal Collegiate Medical Entities to whom we express other views from the
scientific point of view.

Other therapies have not been investigated and even banned, which evidenced their
effectiveness. Persisting in protocols that do not address the pathophysiology of this syndrome
COVID19 properly.

Confinements have been imposed on healthy people violating their rights and freedoms, which
which is unprecedented even in pandemics of much greater intensity.
The mandatory use of face masks is provided, which should only be indicated in
certain circumstances. The harm of its irrational and unscientific use is known.

A test (PCR) is used as a determinant of the diagnosis of disease,
when it's just a genetic screening test. That has no value if there is no
symptoms of illness. Whose results artificially increase the number of
sick and deaths attributed to him. To top it all, autopsies are not allowed, which
they could reveal the characteristics and causalities of the morbid process.

On the other hand, they insist on applying a false vaccine against a virus that has not been isolated,
cultured or sequenced from any patient or deceased with a diagnosis of COVID 19. Which
should not be applied without free and informed consent, and should not be marketed
for being in the experimental stage. So the cost is paid by the volunteers who
they expose it, through the State. As is conventional in all experiments
laboratories should bear their own costs, until they demonstrate their effectiveness and

Therefore, we conclude that these policies are not intended to preserve
the health or the economy of the Argentine population. And therefore they should give explanations
of what is the real objective of all this and who or who have decided it.

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